
In my role as a teaching assistant, I am actively involved in facilitating the following courses, providing support and guidance to students.

  • EE430 Digital Signal Processing: I am primarily responsible for supporting the instructor and assisting students in various aspects of the course

    • Grading and Feedback: As a teaching assistant, I carefully assess and evaluate student assignments, providing constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement. I maintain a fair and consistent grading system to ensure accurate assessment of student performance.
    • Practical Implementation: In the context of EE430, I have created a project homework that focuses on automatic music transcription. I have designed and developed this assignment to challenge students’ skills in transcribing music from audio recordings, employing techniques such as signal processing and music theory.

  • EE314 Digital Circuits Laboratory: I am primarily responsible for supporting the instructor and assisting students in various aspects of the course
    • Experiment Facilitation: I facilitated laboratory sessions, providing hands-on guidance to students as they carried out various experiments related to digital circuits. I ensured that students had a clear understanding of the experimental setup.
    • Technical Assistance: I offered prompt and comprehensive assistance to students when they encountered challenges or had questions regarding the experimental procedures, Quartus software functionalities, or Verilog HDL coding. I provided clarification, troubleshooting support, and helped students optimize their code implementations.
    • Performance Assessment: As part of my role, I assessed students’ performances in the laboratory experiments. I evaluated their understanding of the theoretical concepts, proficiency in executing experiments, and their ability to analyze and interpret results effectively.